Field Notes 02

Field Notes 02

Field Notes 02

This is episode two of a new series we recently started, Field Notes, which are short, fun edits from single sessions with folks from the shop including regulars, Research Center members, shapers, and beyond. There are so many shredders oscillating around Daydream's orbit, not to mention talented friends like filmmaker Jack Coleman, the pieces were already existing independently right in front of our nose... we just needed to roll them up into a documentary fashion. A special thanks to Jack for whipping up these edits so promptly for us, we look forward to more fun times with surfboard experimentation. 

In this episode, we're joined by some local Research Assistants: Robin Kegel, Levi Prairie, Kyle Kennelly, and Troy Elmore surfing the following boards.

Research Quiver:

Gato Heroi Szaber

Dash Dirty Martini

Elmore Little Pickle Bonzer 5 (Not in Research Center... yet)

Well it's just another beautiful morning in good olde Newport Beach, the conditions are glassy, the water is warm, and the surf is hallow and playful! Some great surfers were out today, we got to catch some quality time with Robin Kegel of Gato Heroi before he left to go back home to France after a long stint of shaping through the Summer and Fall. Robin was riding one of his favorite personal models, the Szaber. Troy Elmore was testing out some rad bonzer designs he's been working on and they definitely seem to be working really fluidly. Levi Prairie was on his trusty Dash Dirty Martini showing what the design is capable of in some steeper surf. Sadly Kyle Kennelly broke his Gato Heroi Acid and found some swim fin to body surf a couple waves and traded off with Robin Kegel to test out his Szaber.

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