Extended Membership
Welcome to the deep dive, the Extended Membership allows you to hold each beautiful sled from the Daydream Research Center for up to 7 days at a time! You can really take your time and ride each board as often as you like to really dial it in. Once your week is up, come back and swap your sled out for another new and exciting board. Weather you're used to riding short boards and want to dabble with mid-lengths and logs or you're used to riding longboards and you want to play around with smaller stuff, the Extended Membership will give you enough time to get a really good feeling for all the surfboards we curate from some of the best shapers in the world.
Join the Daydream Research Center and begin experimenting with a diverse quiver of quality surfboards. If you have questions regarding board selection, please contact us or cruise into the shop and we'll get you dialed in with a great board for the waves in the area and the current swell in the water. Upon purchasing a Membership, you can email us to reserve a board for specific days or walk in and pick from whats available. Please review our Terms & Conditions for the Research Center Membership in detail before purchasing.
As a brief disclaimer, the Daydream Research Center curates a selection of boards that are best suited for intermediate or higher skill level. The design attributes of these boards can be difficult for those with less surfing experience to enjoy. For surfers who are just starting out, we highly recommend learning on surfboards that are designed for beginners and are happy to help point you in the right direction to find shops that have boards available for your needs. We want to create the best experience for our members and align them with boards that complement their skill level.